The American Legion is dedicated to strengthening America.
The American Legion is dedicated to strengthening America. We believe there is no better way to this end than to work with our nation’s youth in order to prepare them for the tasks they will face in the years to come. The American Legion, through its youth activities programs, plays a leading role in the development of tomorrow’s informed, responsible citizens. The American Legion’s programs of Boys State and Boys Nation are our finest examples of citizenship instruction for youth. Boys States are quite uniform in program structure through each Department (state) of the American Legion.
Forty-nine states and the District of Columbia conduct a Boys State program annually and more than 28,000 young men participate in these civic workshops each year. Through the week-long program, the young citizens learn how city, county and state governments function by actually doing the job themselves. Eligibility for all Boys State citizens requires them to be juniors in high school, with one year remaining before their graduation. This allows the young man the opportunity to apply his “practical experience” in government to his senior year in high school, and at the same time endorse and promote the program among fellow students.